Purchase securely through Stripe and get immediate access to everything you need to learn how to start your podcast!

With this comprehensive podcasting masterclass, you'll get everything you need to launch a successful podcast and share your voice with the world.

The course includes:

• Four modules packed with insider tips and tricks, each featuring a 50-minute instructional video and interactive exercises that will guide you every step of the way.

• A comprehensive workbook with clickable links to all the resources mentioned, ensuring that you have everything you need at your fingertips.

• Exercises, recommended tech, action steps, and checklists that will help you stay organized and on track.

But that's not all! When you purchase the course today, you'll also receive a bonus 1:1 podcast strategy call with me. I'll help you jumpstart your podcasting journey and give you personalized advice and feedback to make your podcast stand out.

Don't wait - purchase securely through Stripe today and get immediate access to all the tools and guidance you need to start your podcast and share your message with the world!

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Start Your Podcast Masterclass

In this 4-part Masterclass you will learn how to create and launch a quality podcast, even if you aren't tech-savvy and are limited on time.

95.00 GBP

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You can also access it clicking the button below and using the password: 

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